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COME GET YOUR FREE MIXTAPE!!!! is happy to announce the launch of our FREE MUSIC page!!! Here, you can download free music from a variety of musicians. Today we begin with our first musician, Miami - born christian raper Shallist Hudson, whose latest mixtape "My Walk", is growing more and more notoriety everyday, as the hottest mixtape from a christian artist since Lecrae's "Church Clothes 3", or Chance The Rapper's "Acid Rap".

Shallist's current solo project, (untitled currently) will feature instrumentals from BeatsByO.M.E.N. along with various features within the Tampa Bay area.

This is the first of many free music downloads now available on the wearetheu website,so make sure you subscribe. You don't want to be the one that misses the free instrumental BeatsByO.M.E.N. releases after the 100th subscriber. Trust me, it's you want this one. To download your first FREE MIXTAPE from us, click on the FREE MUSIC!!! link up top. Don't forget to like, share and subscribe.

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